Thursday 25 September 2014


1: What are you wearing?
P: Sweats + striped shirt + comfy sweater + socks (I'm cold, so don't judge)
B: Leggins + T-shirt + warm jumper

2: How tall are you?
P: 5'7 ft | 170 cm
B: ca. 5'6 ft |167 cm

3: How much do you weigh?
P: I don't know (and don't want to)
B: It depends ;)

4: Any tattoos?
P+B So far no

5: Any piercings?
P: Totally 4 holes, traditional, tragus and another one in my right ear
B: I've got pierced left auricular cartilage

6: Favorite show?
P: Doctor Who (Geronimo!)

7: Something you miss? .
P: Netflix in Poland
B: A cup of a lovely hot chocolate with a whipped cream and marshmallows (yummy!)

8: How old are you?
P: 21
B: 20

9: Zodiac sign?
P: Virgo
B: Capricorn

10: Favorite actor?
P+B: It's too hard to pick one. We both absolutely love cinema so we do have dozens of actors we adore, as you can probably imagine (ex. Meryl Streep, Helena Bonham Carter, Tom Hiddleston or Johnny Depp)

11: Favorite color?
P: black & white
B: pure classic - black, white and gray

12: Loud music or soft?

13: Where do you go when you’re sad?
P: Mac + bed + a cup of tea is a perfect combo
B: My room

14: How long does it take you to shower?
P+B: 10-15 minutes

15: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
P+B: About one hour

16: Ever been in a physical fight?
P: No
B: Pillow fight with my brother

17: Fears?
P: Spiders, bugs generally and open water 
B: Spiders, especially the giant ones

18: Last thing that made you cry?
P+B: A movie, I think

19: Last time you said you loved someone?
P: I don't remember, I don't say it very often
B: In the mornig to my mom

20: Last book you read?
P: "Naked Lunch" William S. Burroughs
B: "The Astronaut Wives Club" by Lily Koppel

21: The book you’re currently reading?
P: "The catcher in a rye" J.D.Sallinger 
B: ""Good Morning Korporacjo" by Radek BieliƄski

22: Last show you watched?
P: House of cards or Doctor Who (love love love new episodes)
B: House of cards

23: Last person you talked to?
P: My sister probably
B: Dad

24: Favorite food?
P: I don't know if there is one person in the world that can say their favorite food
B: I don't have a specific one but I hate licorice instead

25: Place you want to visit?
P: New Zealand, Australia
B: Japan, Australia, South America

26: Last place you were?
P: Greece
B: England

27: Favorite flavor of sweet?
P: Jelly
B: Chocolate (obviously)

28: What instruments do you play??
P+B: A flute in grammar school

29: Favorite piece of jewelry?
P: Bracelets
B: Rings and necklaces

30: Last sport you played?
P: I don't really play sports
B: Bicycle (if it counts)

31: Last song you sang?
P: "Latch" Disclosure
B: "Californication" RHCP

32: Favorite chat up line?
P: Is your name Google? Because you have all I' searching for
B: Do you have a map? 'Cause I've seemd to have lost myself in your eyes

33: Have you ever used it?
P: No, no, no 
B: Hell no

34: Last time you hung out with anyone?
P: Yesterday, with my uni friends
B: Yesterday, with my friend

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